if you were in the upper secondary block today during the second recess, you would most probably find the scene there amusing.
i swear, all the students were leaning out of the railings and from the 5th storey, you could see the whole row of sec fours cheering the dogs on like spectators. it wasn't only the sec fours i found out, i looked around me and found fellow 3L and 3K students cheering the two dogs on.
"aiyyaa, boooo"
oh, witnessing what?
two dogs "humping", as ms poh puts it.
or in other words, if you want to be direct, a puppy trying to have sex with a larger puppy -.-
with manymany students as spectators :D
but really, the big brown dog was so cute, and he seemed to be running away from the hyperactive small black dog trying to [i don't know what]. interesting.
the reactions were just, classic
the black dog managed to do something, we cheered [or you could take away "we", i was merely amused by the sight of so many people looking at dogs]
maybe we should give dogs their privacy too yeah :D
"why must they do it in the field, at least do it in the storeroom!"
HOHO CLASSIC PHRASE FROM SIYUN. so siyun, she's an expert when it comes to mating in animals, btw =.=
i should have taken a picture of the spectators and the dogs, dang.
enough of that, mating season's over maybe, and mspoh can be SO direct at times -.-
nonetheless, today was a SO-SO day,
with lessons as usual and recesses being sorta emo and lame.
i pretty much enjoyed blu-tacking a bottle to the table with leona,
eating sweets in class with felicia
and well, mrs mohan thanked the students for helping out in the boothsales,
and ohwell i slept during my compre test so i did very badly.
i don't know why, i feel like doodling now.
anyway i went home with felicia again today :D
red tea and seaweed, we saw many AHS pupils along the way,
and well, felicia acts retarded only when she's with me,
tell me i have the special aura xD
okay she has the camwhoring aura, we took photos again -__-
ohwell, nice going home with you girl,
my first box of donuts i guess, dont call me lag, i don't have the time to queue D:
oh wait, i'm not queuing tomorrow T.T
nevermind, i'll post the pictures another day!
geography test tomorrow, goodluck folks.
tag replies to today
dehkor: simi sly dat noob. tokin abt simi sly and dun tell other ppl. nvm. i will stay as jing di zi wa else confirm hav ppl kp me kaypoh.
{lol noob .__. and haha its jing di zhi wa, yup well, you're not the only kaypoh one it seems xD no sly la haha, sly's the black and white cat in loonytunes :D}
chengkor: sorry lo. i TRY not to ego anymore. i try.
{uhh yup have fun trying :DD ego addicts =O LOL}
xitheng: relink! ty
{lol i'll relink you asap! ^^}
yumi: haha! speeches are interesting!!! especially when ms wong is teaching! hahaha! cya!!! and im dying(in testsandstress)...

{nonono they're boring i think =/ okay ms wong is interesting! hahaha! yupyup seeyou tomorrow! im dying too! D: geog test tomorrow and i have loads of work to hand in! ):}
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